There are five kinds of noun. they are as follows. 1. Common noun 2. Proper noun 3 collective noun 4 material noun 5 abstract noun Now we will discuss all five kinds of noun one by one. 1. Common noun: a common noun is the noun shared in common by every person or thing of the same kind or class. Examples : boy, girl, book, City, table etc 2 . Proper noun: a Proper noun is the name of a particular person place or thing. Example: Ram, Sita, Khanpur, Delhi ,Sunday ,Monday etc 3 Collective noun: A collective noun is the name of a member or collection or person or thing of the same kind taken together as one whole. examples: Army, Krowd, class, hand etc. 4 Material noun: A materia noun is the name of the matter or substance of which the things are made. Examples: gold, silver, iron, milk, water etc. 5 Abstract noun: An abstract noun is the thing or quality which we only feel. these nouns cannot be seen nor be touched physically. Examples: honesty, kindness,...